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My Aireloom Mattress Review - Beware Bad Investment!

by Lori

The first month of sleeping on the Aireloom mattress I was so pleased. Then the center hump appeared and the spring system began to squeak when you turn over. We turn the mattress every month hoping the hump and saggy will go away. Bad investment! Out searching for a new mattress. I don't have money to burn, so sad!

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Aug 07, 2013
lori is right. NEW
by: Anonymous

my actual problem is with the DUMP. and AIRELOOM. the people at the dump have sure got the name correct. its a bait and switch store with 000000 customer service. im thinking there are a lot of stupid people I the dallas area because they are still in business. heres the skinny. my mattress had a low spot. I was told to take pics of the low spot and send them to the dump. I did this. they said they would be glad to honor our warranty. all we had to do was pay $4000 for shipping and handling. when I got my breath back and started freaking they decided to void my warranty because of the water spots. ( I spilled water drinking in bed. not at my waist) but at my head. we paid 5000 for the mattress and kept it one year. I put it in the burn pile. !@#$%$# the dump and aireloom

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